How to Develop the Habit of Reading Every Day

Brian Kezer
3 min readDec 2, 2021

Reading is an excellent habit to cultivate. A good book can be enormously fulfilling, teach you about subjects beyond your daily life, and create such vivid characters that you feel you know them. In addition, reading benefits your overall health. Reading enhances your language and vocabulary and helps you unwind and relieve tension.

Like any new habit, developing a regular reading routine can be challenging. If you want to make reading a habit, there are several practical ways to do it, particularly if you frequently stray from your reading goals.

Schedule several times throughout the day to read for at least five to 10 minutes. These are times you will read regardless of what is happening. For example, make it a habit to read immediately after meals or every night before you go to sleep. Additionally, decide on a specific number of pages you want to read per day. This process will help you complete your daily objective. Concentration breeds efficiency, and reading will quickly become a way of life for you.

However, you may experience decision fatigue because of many good books. Avoid this by maintaining a list of all the books you wish to read. You should search for curated lists prepared by readers you admire to save time choosing. Additionally, you can Google the “favorite books” of people you respect. Keep this list in your journal, mobile phone, or computer. Add to it whenever you come across a good book.

Keep a record of the title and author of books you’ve read and the dates you began and completed them. Attach a note to each with your impressions of the book. It is tremendously satisfying to revisit the log after a few months and see all the books you have read. If you enjoy reading hardcover books, create a dedicated reading area with a suitable table and comfortable chair to aid concentration. This way, you will look forward to your reading time.

Mobile apps, tablets, news aggregators, e-book readers, and other compute tools perform well for many people. Because the world is digital, some choose to have goal-oriented apps to assist them in staying on track with their goals.

Find a reading partner and devise a plan to help you meet your reading goals. With a book club, you will develop a real strategy for staying motivated and inspired to expand your horizons. These sessions allow you to discuss lessons learned and other topics.

Avoid becoming a lone ranger who believes they can accomplish all their goals, no matter how little. You will need the right individuals to keep you motivated and focused on your reading goals, as well as your overall life goals.

A sense of accomplishment and accomplishment is one of the best motivators to continue reading daily. And one method to have a sense of satisfaction and progress with your reading is to feel as though you gained valuable knowledge from each book and can recollect what you learned.

To begin, an efficient and relatively simple approach to accomplish this is to write book reports. This does not require writing page-long essays with perfect language and organization. But instead, take a few moments to jot down essential concepts from the book, a few favorite quotes, and perhaps some of your views of the book. This way, you can maintain your reading habit and quickly recall the primary concepts and themes from the great majority of the books you read, allowing you to intelligently discuss them and apply their teachings to your life and work.



Brian Kezer

Brian Kezer, a dedicated professional who has worked in Washington DC, maintains an active lifestyle.